DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this blog are my personal views, and are not the views of Landmark. Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Refer to this site's Terms of Use for further details.

CORRECTION: I recently found documentation indicating I attended my Forum seminar a few months later than my recollection: making it technically 1995—I conflated the Tuesday Night Intro Session in late 1994 with my actual Forum, which occurred a few months later. Thus the year correction in my articles.

It's now been 15 years since I wrote about my 1995 experience with "The Landmark Forum" on this blog. The Forum is a 3-day (and one evening) educational seminar, run by one of the world's largest for-profit personal-development companies—Landmark WorldWide. It remains one of my most top-read posts in terms of feedback, and even resulted in a brief discussion with a research PA staffer at a popular FX TV Show in 2017.

The above means, here in 2024, that it is almost 30 years (!!) since I attended The Landmark Forum.

That is wild.

I reread those old blog posts recently—and while I don't approve of my passive voice style in 2009 (I did make a few 2024 corrections to it), I must say I feel like my old Landmark Forum review still holds-up!

You know what also still holds-up? Some of those tools and distinctions that I acquired, in a dreary conference center 30 years-ago—and so I kept a few of those tools over the years.

I never returned to take additional Landmark courses, and have only spoken with a few fellow Forum graduates and volunteers over the years; however, 30 years on my recollection is still crystal for much of it. Brainwashing? Nah, it's just that some of it was really interesting to me at the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️

How interesting? Well, I went on to study Philosophy and read some books about The Forum's previous form, EST, and a book or two about its founder Werner Erhard. Why my fascination? Well, I wanted to better understand how Erhard repackaged so many tools and concepts (the "Technology") from the various philosophies that he did.

So I am not here to shill or condemn Landmark, nor can I tell you it's a cult from my own limited experience of one course 30 years ago; however, to this day I do jokingly call Landmark "Scientology Lite". Not to be derogatory, but to jokingly acknowledge EST's loose-connection to some terms and concepts from that religion. I have actually spoken with ex-Scientologist friends who told me that EST borrowed "technology" from it. But that doesn't much matter, since I believe L. Ron Hubbard also borrowed much of his own material from well-known Philosophers and Psychiatrists, anyway (which largely explains Scientology's anti-psychiatry stances). 🤷🏻

I've gone through 30 years of changes since I graduated The Landmark Forum, and since the Pandemic Landmark WorldWide went through some changes, too—a bankruptcy and reboot. Apparently (and hopefully) with new leadership.

So how well do I remember these tools, concepts, and distinctions that Landmark taught me, 30 years ago? Let's find out!

I reviewed my old journal notes—and created this rough Glossary of Landmark Terms to go along with my original mini-memoir. I think it is pretty accuarate. If you are a Forum Grad, feel free to write and tell me what you think.

My Posts this 30th Anniversary Landmark entry references, below:

A Funny Thing Happened After the Forum -- Pt 1
A Funny Thing Happened After the Forum -- Pt 2
A Funny Thing Happened After the Forum -- Pt 3
My Tiny Contribution to FX's "The Americans"
The Americans EST Episodes
Landmark Forum / est Glossary

*Note: no offense meant to any happy Landmark Grads for the "Scientology Lite" nickname. 😉 I am always open to hearing others' experiences with Landmark, good or bad. I also acknowledge that (while my own experience was mostly positive) that the organization has problematic aspects, and others have had harmful or negative experiences related to them.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this blog are my personal views, and are not the views of Landmark. Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Refer to this site's Terms of Use for further details.