Skill Gap
You may have heard me use this term a time or two. Let's define it:
A skill gap, or skills gap, refers to the discrepancy between abilities you currently possess, and those required to perform a task-or fill a company role or position. By pinpointing the differences between your’ existing skill sets and additional competencies needed for various roles, an organizations or team can devise training to foster skill development. Furthermore, recognizing these gaps (on our own) enables us to identify where we need to learn, and become equipped with the qualifications necessary to meet an organization’s demands.
The term is not meant to be criticial, and it is certainly should never be used to disparage a colleage. It's just observing facts: we all have skill gaps of some kind!
Taking responsibility for a gap in skill, is where we all want to be when we identify a skill gap: because that's where growth happens!