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"Those who know, don't say.   Those who say, don't know..."

The Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu (Laozi) expressed the saying above, centuries ago:

β€œHe who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.”

A lot of talking heads, on all sides, proclaim to knowβ€”and say truths. The above is my mantra in response. What Lao Tzu meant, and what I find to be TRUE is:

True wisdom is not always captured in words, and those who speak too readily often lack deeper understanding.

Maybe remember the above, for this era of LOUD voices we're in...

Maybe remember the above, when you hear supposed experts on what used to be "the news"...

And maybe remember the above, in the smokescreen of Culture Warrior memes and our public discourse...

...then maybe...

...just maybe we keep some inner peace (or at least our mental health). πŸ™πŸ»

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