Here is some data comparing US and Italy cases during each country’s ramp-up...
From DataIsBeautiful Reddit user brnko.
Based on this chart we are approximately 11 days behind Italy’s first experiences of extreme Healthcare System stress. And, yes, our rates are currently higher at this stage than Italy; however: this chart does not yet account for per capita rates or population-variance per region — so my hope here is that our staying-home continues to DELAY and/or LESSEN the coming inevitable wave of emergency-care surges. What we are doing, right now, is about to finally be measurable in a few days.
When this is all finally over let us remember that it wasn’t the CEOs and billionaires who saved lives, while we sheltered in-place to Flatten The Curve: it will have been the DOCTORS, the NURSES, EMS, Police and Fire, truck drivers, sanitation workers, airline workers, grocery, and food workers who all will work-around the-clock to keep society functioning as best they can.
When we come through this (and we WILL come through it) I heard somwhere that we could experience a national emergency more severe than 9/11 and the Great Recession, combined. I hope not, but I am also pragmatic. I read the raw data, and try to stay away from media (both social and legacy) and let the healthcare professionals and scientists working 24/7 on this speak instead.
Chances are, during this hard time, we will all hear of amazing heroism and horrible tragedies on the emergency-care front lines. And by the time this is all over and done, we may find that our nation sacrifices more than the 2020 school-year. But we may also gain a strength and resilience that you can only associate with trying times in our past history. We are living through history. Right now.
We will all do what we can to help in the weeks ahead, as we are doing now by staying home — but the only way out of this will be THROUGH it. And most scientists agree that the US is at the End of the Beginning, not the Beginning of the End, of the COVID-19 critical-care surge expected in the US.
Our medical workers on the front-lines are about to really be in it. They will witness unbelievable stress and situations beyond our imagination: keep them in your prayers.
And everyone take care of yourselves. Turn off the news for a bit. Just rest this weekend. Watch some movies, read, and let’s all just take care of ourselves and our immediate families — it’s very important we do that. Because after what may come next, we will need to have saved our stregnth. We can work together, and we will need Americans from all walks of life to help carry our nation through what may be a massive challenge.